Home Support Service for Older People

The support you will receive depends on your individual needs. These supports will be provided by the HSE or by an external provider, approved by the HSE.


The Home Support Service is free. You do not need a medical card to apply and your income will not be assessed. However, if you arrange additional home supports, over and above the level funded by the HSE, you will have to pay for these.

Who can apply?

The Home Support Service is available to people aged 65 or over who may need support to continue living at home or to return home following a hospital stay. Sometimes exceptions are made for people younger than 65 who may need support. For example, people with early onset dementia or a disability.

Consumer Directed Home Support (CDHS)

Consumer Directed Home Support (CDHS) is another way your home support can be delivered by an Approved Provider, CDHS is not available in all areas. You can contact your local home support office to find out if it is available in your area.

If you are approved for a Home Support Service and HSE staff are not available to deliver the service, then a provider who has been approved by the HSE, will deliver the home support to you.

You will deal directly with the HSE Approved Provider(s) of your choice to arrange days and times of services that meet your essential care needs. These will be identified during your care needs assessment.

You can choose to be considered for CDHS when you are completing your application form. If you apply for, and are approved for CDHS, after your care needs assessment, you will receive a letter from the HSE approving a weekly amount of funding. You can use this to arrange home support from the approved providers you choose.